Friday, January 23, 2009


Okay, now I am going to give you my opinion. Contentment starts in the heart. We need to work on being content. It has to do with having an attitude of gratitude despite your circumstances (thank you Pastor). I feel like I am constantly surrounded by people who want, want, want- and it is really hard to teach contentment when those people are 6,4,2, and 10 months. Americans have a real problem with being content, we all want MORE. More is not the answer, the answer is found in Jesus Christ. Despite my circumstances, my hope is built on Jesus blood and righteousness. When we put our focus on HIM, everything else comes into focus. He died that I might live, this life is not "MINE", but HIS! We need to pray to be content, be satsified with what we have, not be envious and yearn after what our friends and neighbors have.

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