Sunday, April 19, 2009
Meg's direct line to God
It sure seems that Meg has a direct line to God. This time Megan's dog got SICK. he was neutered on Monday then started V&D EVERYWHERE! He is only 3#'s so he can't domuch of it. Wednesday we went to the vet, the vet said not good, probally gonna die, most likely Parvo. Now 2 things happened here- 1. is I realized I really like Pepe Lopez and 2. is I thought, oh Lord, you can't do this- we've spent money on him and Meg would be crushed, plus she needs a dog to come home to after her belly button surgery on 5/8/09. I told Meg after the doc left to let the test run that Pepe is very sick and may not live. She said "God won't let that happen, let's pray." She prayed that God make Pepe all better. the vet came back and the test was negative! We took Pepe home and he was still not himself, put him in his crate as we went to church for our life group, not knowing of he would be alive when we got home. Well we came home and Pepe was FINE! The next morning he was totally normal, in all ways. I'm telling you, first Meg prays for her own pet, then she prays he will get better- despite all odds. Meg has a direct line to God. Now if only she could pray us into winning the lottery. Guess we'd have to play it... Meg said "I asked God to make him better and he did it, just for me!"
A little update on Holly
Holly is such a character! She is sweet, funny, adorable, fiesty, and a little stinker all rolled into one cutie! She reminds me of Mark & Megan. She loves to snuggle and sit on laps. She usually doesn't mess with Jenna, but was trying to push Jenna off my mom's lap, so she could have Grandma to herself. She almost always will push or kick or hit Mark &/or Megan off of me and tell them "Mine Mommy."
She loves to be a little mommy, to her doll and Meg's chihuhua. It is so funny to see her pick up and carry around this 3# dog.
Holly is potty training right now and that is going very well. She refuses to use the little potty, but must use the big one. She says she has to go "Peep". I love it! She has 1 or 2 accidents a day, sometimes none, it depends on if I have to go somewhere, as she is great for me.
She calls Meg & Jenna "Sissy", Mark by his name, Tilly is "Dog-Dog", Pepe is "wah-wah" (for Chihuhua). She is really talking a lot, it is so fun to hear her talk. That's our Holly Berries!
She loves to be a little mommy, to her doll and Meg's chihuhua. It is so funny to see her pick up and carry around this 3# dog.
Holly is potty training right now and that is going very well. She refuses to use the little potty, but must use the big one. She says she has to go "Peep". I love it! She has 1 or 2 accidents a day, sometimes none, it depends on if I have to go somewhere, as she is great for me.
She calls Meg & Jenna "Sissy", Mark by his name, Tilly is "Dog-Dog", Pepe is "wah-wah" (for Chihuhua). She is really talking a lot, it is so fun to hear her talk. That's our Holly Berries!

The 2009 Awana Grand Prix at CBC. Megan won 1st place design for her class- "open class" which was younger than Kindergarten and older than 12th grade. She also took The Best of Show trophy for her chocolate bar. Very fun for her! however Mark (and Brian) are very disappointed that Mark did not win an award for design of his X-Wing Fighter. He came in 2nd several times during the races, too. I think Brian was more upset than Mark. But I must say this does not encourage the brother sister relationship, as Mark is still waiting to lose a tooth compared to his little sis who has lost 2! Yikes! We had a lot of fun and that's what counts! Right?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
"NOT FAIR!" and other things

Mark is so upset! It is so "not fair" that Megan "lost her other tooth before" Mark! Do you hear the whining? Brian and I do! Poor guy- his sister has lost 2 teeth and he barely has a loose one. It may be months till his come out. She lost this tooth at Grandma and Papa's while we were watching Staci perform in Little Shop of Horrors. Good job Staci! You may have a career, yet. Here's the pictures, sorry not of Staci- just the darling "God's little princess Megan". yes, that is what she calls herself, now that she is 5. Speaking of "God's little princess", Holly is obsessed with Gigi- God's little princess dvd's. Cutest thing, especially when she asks for it, she says Gigi as though she's french. Very cute! Megan is hoping for a wardrobe for Pepe. Help us, that poor dog... Enjoy the cute kids!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Megan is 5!

Well she is telling everyone that she is 5 and got her ears pierced. Meg can really turn on the charm! We had a great time at Disneyland with The Lefotu's (minus Ray), The hill's (minus Brennan), and The Cordova's, and of course Grandma. Good times! Meg bought a charm bracelet (Donald's body has already broken off), and 2 play sets- Jasmine & Tinkerbell (like Polly Pockets). She still has $20.00 she can spend at Disneyland. Here are her 5 year old pictures, she did great!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So, we took Meg to get her ears pierced for her 5th b-day present. She has been begging for it. We totally suprised her and took her on St. Patricks Day. She picked out the Rainbow Crystal Flower earrings (and then purchased several pairs to have for later- flowers, animals, diamonds). She was so excited0 she climbed right up on the chair and waited while I signed the paper work. 5 signatures and 6 initialing spots later the lady said "Okay you'll feel a little pinch" and she did it! meg looked at her and said "Is it in yet?" NO tears or anything. The lady said yes, do you want to see it? Of course- give Meg a mirror anyday. Then she went to the left ear and did it again. No problem from Meg, no tears, no fighting, nothing. The lady said "It's so easy when they want to get it done." I guess so, cause Meg was amazing. If anyone cried, it was Brian. Then we went to Starbucks and got a FREE vanilla milk- love the Starbucks girl, and iced tea, and a mocha drink for Brian. Next we went to See's candy- hello CHOCOLATE! Then into Bath & Body Works for Brian's "kitchen lemon" soap. Everywhere we went Megan told random people and all the sales people she got her ears pierced for her birthday. She would stop and look at all the mirrors. We finally made it to the car where Meg had to llok at all the mirrors in the car to see her earrings. She is so funny and adorable. When we got home she showed Grandma christie, Jenna, Holly, Mark, and Pepe Lopez. I am glad I let her see the episode of Jon & Kate plus 8 where Maddy got her ears pierced, I think it really prepared her well.
Pepe Lopez
I am a victim of a lost dog. Well, actually a lost dog found us. He won't leave us. I posted ads in the paper, the shelters, and vet offices by our home and no response. get this Megan has a Chihuahua named Pepe Lopez. He is now hers. Can you believe it? I am still in shock. He gets his shots on Friday and then will get neutered soon after. He has his own bowl, collar, leash, and crate. He will soon get a tag. Tilly thinks he is fun, but he doesn't know what to do with friendly, playful Tilly. I tried getting my friend Dana to take him, but no luck- so I am stuck. Meg told me "I am in love with Pepe. I love him so much my heart hurts!" The funny thing is Meg has been praying for 3 months for a cat or dog of her OWN. Was this dog from God? I don't know. I can not figure out WHY God would send me a Chihuahua. I thought Meg would get her own dog when Tilly has puppies in about 1 1/2 years. Oh well, now I have a 6 month old Chihuahua that is house broken, not nippy, and lets Megan do WHATEVER she wants to him- even dress him, carry him, and drag him around on a leash. Pictures will come later. Welcome the newest addition to the family, Pepe Lopez.
Meg's party and my time away

Megan shared a party with Katie at a gym. They had a cheerleader party. Meg did not want to participate at first. She hid behind brian till she warmed up to it. Her eis a pic, but she is not inti- as she was standing behind Brian. She ended up loving it. I'm so glad she got to have a special party with her friends. Gracie, Madison, Jayden, Diamond, Talia, Katie and 3 of Katie's friends were there too. Of course my camera died, as I wa sout of town. Free scrapbooking weekend, can't not go, since it was about to expire. I had a amazing time, always good times with Eve. Scrapbooking, a massage, and food always makes for great things. Completed 53 pages and a mini album for Brian for Fathers Day (shhh). Very rewarding weekend, but I still feel guilty. Mommy guilt gets you ALL the time.
So while I was out of town- the kids were KIDS for Brian. I almost felt sorry for him, ALMOST. He had to mop the floor 3 times in one day. They are usually nearly perfect for him when I am gone, but alas they were not. Jenna was the best then Mark, then a far Megan took 3rd and Holly was by far the worst, he said. Holly was spilling things, removing her diaper and then going to the bathroom (at least it was on the tile and not the carpet), getting into things, climbing on things. Too funny! He had a little insight into my EVERYDAY. Gotta love my fabulous husband!
Tic Tac's
Holly lOVES tic tac's and on jenna's b-day she wound us up in the Urgent Care because she had a tic tac stuck up her nose. The doctor got it out, but it took 4 of us to hold her down. We made it home in time for jenna's cake and presents. Good times in the Goudge home.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Can I just tell you!
I HATE HOSPITALS!! Especially Emergency Rooms. So in the last week I have been at the doctors 4 times, the hospital once-outpatient, and the ER 2 times. Jenna got sick with RSV and pneumonia (cause you know, RSV isn't enough). So she had to get iv's and breathing treatments and tests at the hospital then the next day her breathing was really bad so we spent the day at the ER getting breathing treatments, etc... Well then on Tuesday I took Holly in to see our wonderful pediatrician, Dr. Poh, and Holly has bronchitis borderline pneumonia. This means 10 breathing treatments a day, about 10 diaper changes, and feeding the family all day long. No time for anything else! So, here I am thinking all is well, we're on the mend and then saturday night we get home from a night at the Havnen's and Mark hurts himself. He runs and jumps to jump onto the fireplace and missed ! He gouged his shin! So, Brian grabbed him and said He needs to go to to the ER, so off we went. Turns out, we could have gone to the Urgent Care, but it ended up he has a dime/nickel sized hole in his shin. They couldn't suture it, so I have to clean it. Ugh! Oh well, just another day at home.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Good bye Club Libby Lu, we'll miss you

Megan went to Libby Lu, again... For the last time. It was so cute and sad. Meg had the girl do her her "Sassy"- fit Meg perfectly! Anyways, Megan told the girls "Thank you for doing my hair everyday. I'll miss you." Oh how I will miss having Libby Lu around, it worked great as encouragement. Here are the pics from our last trip to Libby Lu. Mark was BORED, Jenna was joyful, and Holly was so happy. Too bad Holly doesn't have very much hair- she couldn't get a Libby Lu Do. I wish I could have gotten a Libby Lu Do, too!
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