Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Meg's party and my time away

Megan shared a party with Katie at a gym. They had a cheerleader party. Meg did not want to participate at first. She hid behind brian till she warmed up to it. Her eis a pic, but she is not inti- as she was standing behind Brian. She ended up loving it. I'm so glad she got to have a special party with her friends. Gracie, Madison, Jayden, Diamond, Talia, Katie and 3 of Katie's friends were there too. Of course my camera died, as I wa sout of town. Free scrapbooking weekend, can't not go, since it was about to expire. I had a amazing time, always good times with Eve. Scrapbooking, a massage, and food always makes for great things. Completed 53 pages and a mini album for Brian for Fathers Day (shhh). Very rewarding weekend, but I still feel guilty. Mommy guilt gets you ALL the time.
So while I was out of town- the kids were KIDS for Brian. I almost felt sorry for him, ALMOST. He had to mop the floor 3 times in one day. They are usually nearly perfect for him when I am gone, but alas they were not. Jenna was the best then Mark, then a far Megan took 3rd and Holly was by far the worst, he said. Holly was spilling things, removing her diaper and then going to the bathroom (at least it was on the tile and not the carpet), getting into things, climbing on things. Too funny! He had a little insight into my EVERYDAY. Gotta love my fabulous husband!

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