Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Mark vs. homework
Mark HATES homework and I don't like it either, but I try to keep a good attitude about it. Mark said "This homwork is from the devil, its evil." My poor little guy has so much work to do- we have 5x each spelling word, 10 minutes reading high frequency words,1 languauge/writing page, 1 math page, plus reading a book everyday. It is a lot for my poor boy and for me!
I think I need something dedicated soley to things that Megan says. She is so funny and adorable. She asked me if she lookes pretty (after she out on make up) an dI said of course you are pretty, but you are pretty before the make up. Make up does not make you pretty. And she replied "No, but it makes you sparkle!"
Thats my sparkling princess Megan!
Thats my sparkling princess Megan!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Literal Megan
I was driving Meg and Josh to school and they were bickering. I was trying to stop the bickering when Josh whispered something to Megan and all of a sudden Megan reached out and (tried to) hit Josh. Josh said "Ms. Pam, Megan hit me HARD" and he told her that "I got you in trouble" and I started to tell Megan that we don't hit, etc... and she said "Mom, Josh told you a lie- I didn't hit him, I couldn't reach him. I did this" and she hit the car seat. She procedded to explain that she tried to hit him, but she couldn't get to get him! With the issue resolved Josh announced that "Megan is my princess girlfriend! And I am going to take her." Megan said "Am I your girlfriend cause I'm a princess?" He said "Yes" and She said "Mom, I am the princess!"
We know, Meg, we know!
We know, Meg, we know!

We went to Disneyland on Sept. 1 for our anniversary- we had the BEST time! We didn't even stay to close down the park, we left before it closed and everyone left LOVING Disneyland- which I know is unbelievable to some, but never to us.
Here we are with Mickey. My how our family has grown since we were married 7 years ago.
Old woman who lives in a shoe
Eve was telling the kids nursery rhymes and told them about the Old
woman in the shoe who had so many kids she didn't know what to do amd Megan asked her "Was the shoe very big or were they little people?"
That's my girl always full of questions.
woman in the shoe who had so many kids she didn't know what to do amd Megan asked her "Was the shoe very big or were they little people?"
That's my girl always full of questions.
What is it with my girl & Spicy?
We were eating dinner and Megan asked for "milk because my toungue is spicy" and I said ok, as I was pouring the milkshe walked up to me and said "Can you see the spicies on my tongue?" I said no and she said "Well spicies are poking my tongue all over!"
What a cutie!
What a cutie!
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